Buddhist Perspective
Touch is defined as the object that is the Known or Knowable by the body consciousness. There are eleven objects of touch: earth, water, fire, wind, smoothness, roughness, heaviness, lightness, coldness, hunger, and thirst. Body sense power is a physical thing, but it is not something that is seeable with our eye. It’s supported by our physical body that includes our skin. Therefore, there is a support and supported relationship between our body and the body sense power. When our body is in contact with other physical objects, the body sense power is responsible for sensing the contact and bringing in a manifestation of the consciousness of the body.
What positive and negative feelings do you associate with the different touch objects?
Western Perspective
The human body has thousands of nerves that transport tactile signals from receptors on our skin to our brain. We have different receptors for sensing pain, heat, cold, vibration, and pressure. These receptors vary greatly in structure and functionality, as well as abundance and distribution in our bodies.
Why do you think we have many more touch receptors in our arms and faces compared to our backs and legs?
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