Our Team

Karma Thupten

Geshe Nyima Tashi
Monastic Coordinator, Bylakuppe

Geshe Lodoe Sangpo
Monastic Coordinator, Mundgod

Thinley Dolma
Editor, SFMN

Science Department Staff at the Library of Tibetan Works & Archives organize and provide translation for our activities in India

Geshe Lhakdor
Director, Library of Tibetan Works & Archives

Tenzin Paldon
Department Head

Tsewang Rinzin
Research and Translation

Trinlay Wangdue
Research and Translation

Tenzin Lobsang
Research and Translation

Tenzin Chonyi
Online Content (Website)

Partners in Bhutan (local organizers)

Lama Ngodup
Secretary, Ati Foundation

Partners in Nepal (local organizers)

Geshe Tashi
Principal, Kopan Nunnery

Critical Friends and Evaluators at Inverness Research

Help us reflect on our work and provide Field Reports that document the impact and evolution of the program. This team also includes staff from the Exploratoirum’s Teacher Institute.

Mark St John
President, Inverness Research

Laurie Lopez
Researcher, Inverness Research

Scott Stambach
Author, Associate Professor Cuyamaca College

Kapil Bisht
Independent Writer and Journalist

Science Leadership for Nuns – Design Team

Overseeing the design and implementation of our newest leadership program that seeks to advance the way we engage nuns:

Tanya Baker
Director, National Programs, National Writing Project

Sonia Galaviz
Teacher, Garfield Elementary School (Boise, Idaho)

Jessica Early
Associate Professor, University of Arizona

Vivian White
Director, Free Choice Learning, Astronomy Society of the Pacific