Latest Activities


Exhibition Tour- Dehradun(10 – 30 September, 2024)

Dehradun, a notable center for academic and monastic institutions, ensured this exhibition tour to be a resounding success. Five science monk scholars from South India traveled to Dehradun for this exhibition. They were assisted by interpreters and panelists from the LTWA’s Science Department and Science for Monks and Nuns. Our exhibition tour in Dehradun took us through a diverse array of institutions, each offering enthralling engagement. Within three weeks, the exhibit team toured seven different monastic and academic institutions and one Tibetan settlement.(more..)

The Physics Distance Learning Program (7 May- 31 July, 2024)

The three-month physics distance learning program commenced on 7th May and concluded on 31st July 2024 with great success. There were around 60 virtual participants and five in-person attendees. As the session progressed, monks and nuns were engaged in intensive physics learning, discussions, and hands-on activities, fostering an enriching collective learning experience.(more..)

Science Leadership Program (8-20 April, 2024)

From 8th to 20th April, 2024, the Sikkim Science Leadership Program was held at the Pal Zurmang Monastery in Gangtok. This workshop aimed to familiarise participants with the principles and concepts of Quantum Physics. We had a total of 37 participants, representing 12 different monasteries and nunneries. The two-week workshop was led by two visiting teachers from the U.S. George Musser, a renowned planetary scientist, and Ian Durham, a respected physicist. The science department staff of LTWA provided valuable support, offering interpretation assistances for participants who did not understand the English language.(more..)

2nd Cohort Nuns’ Leadership Program (11-31 March, 2024)

The second cohort nuns’ leadership program commenced on March 11th at LTWA, Dharamsala for three weeks and it lasted till March 31st, 2024. This year we had 40 nuns from 4 different nunneries, and most of them are learning science for the first time. The three-week rigorous science learning program was designed as, for the first week teachers from the science department of LTWA had conducted the classes whereas, they brushed up on the basics to prepare them for the second and third week. And guest teachers took over the class for the second and third week.(more..)

4th Cohort Leadership Program (16 January – 5 February, 2024)

The fourth cohort leadership program began on February 16 and ended on March 5, 2024 at Tibetan Pavilion, Auroville in Pondicherry. This year the program mainly focused on honing skills in Tibetan creative writing and video editing. As for their final project, some participants are writing about science and Buddhism and while others are making videos associated with science and Buddhism. (more..)