Latest Activities


Teacher Fellowship Program (25 December 2023 – 10 January, 2024)

The 2-week Teacher Fellowship begins on December 25th, 2023 and concluded on January 10th, 2024 in Dalai Lama Institute for Higher Studies, Bangalore. This year there are 13 participants which include, 6 monks, 1 nun and 6 laity participants, and they are all active science teachers in different monastics. This program in particular intends to support these teachers in their efforts to take the lead in advancing education.Through this project, the participants are inspired to rethink the possibilities of teaching and learning in their classrooms by attending classes taught by renowned teachers from different places.(more..)

Bhutan Science Leadership Program (2 – 9 December, 2023)

The leadership program in Bhutan was hosted by Rinpung Dzong, Paro. It started on December 2nd and concluded on December 9th. Julie from Exploratorium conducted the class for a week, and Lama Ngodup from Bhutan helped in interpreting it into English. We had 41 participants from different age groups, and they were all learning science for the first time.(more..)

International conference on Perception and Reality (29 – 30 October, 2023)

Perception and reality have been a central theme in Buddhism, science, and many other philosophical traditions. This conference aims to delve into the complex interplay between these concepts, drawing insights from the fields of quantum physics, neuroscience, and the profound wisdom of the Buddhist tradition, particularly the concept of interdependence and two truths. We aim to bring together experts and practitioners from diverse backgrounds to foster an interdisciplinary dialogue that can shed light on the intricate nature of perception and reality.(more..)

Monastic Graduates Program (8 – 28 October, 2023)

This program is offered to senior monastics who have completed their formal monastic learning and are well-prepared to be trained as educational leaders in their respective monastic communities. We have 32 participants this year, with 24 of them being monks and 8 nuns from various monasteries and nunneries. The program started on October 8 and ended on October 28, 2023. During the three-week intensive training, the participants were introduced to basic science learning, which included a lot of hands-on activities to refine their learning. And a designated time is given priority for writing exercises to reflect on and summarize what they have learned in the class.(more..)

Kangra Exhibition Tour (11 – 27 September, 2023)

The “Secrets of Particles” exhibition toured different educational institutions, monasteries, and nunneries in Kangra. This exhibition in particular was prepared by the third cohort of monks as their collective project aDer the completion of the three-year leadership program. The intent of the exhibition is to educate about particles from Buddhist and quantum perspectives.(more..)

Science Leadership Workshop – NEPAL (15 June – 5 July, 2023)

From 15th June to 5th July, a science leadership program took place in Nepal, involving 25 participants. Out of the total participants, 20 are monks and 5 are nuns. The program was designed to last for three weeks. Participants had two weeks classes with Suchitha Champak, and interpreters from the department of Science from LTWA too. In the last week, Geshe Lodoe Sangpo took class on neuroscience.(more..)

Institute IV- Neuroscience Workshop (12-30 March, 2023)

During the workshop on neuroscience, the nuns were taught by Sheer Karny and Dr. Eric Chudler. From 12th March to 20th March, Sheer Karny took the class. He touched upon a range of neurological topics with the nuns. He explored topics such as how the nervous system develops, genetics and the brain, fundamental neuronal signals, automatic functions, drugs and the brain, language, neurological diseases, nervous system disorders (such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD), the ageing brain, and meditation. From March 20 to 30, Dr. Eric Chudler took over the classroom.(more..)

Teacher Fellowship Program (15-25 January, 2023)

The ten-day Teacher Fellowship Program commenced from 15th January to 25th January in Sera Mey, Bylakuppe and the fellowship currently supports the cohort of 12 laity participants and all of whom are active science teachers in different monastic setting.(more..)

Institute XVII- 4th Cohort Leadership Program (5-20 January, 2023)

The 15day leadership programme for the fourth cohort was held at the Sarnath International Nyingma Institute (SINI) in Varanasi. The participants had classes in neuroscience, science writing, and Tibetan writing. Additionally, they had a designated time for "project time," during which monks and nuns will have the opportunity to plan and complete their impending projects while speaking with the concerned teachers about their concerns.(more..)